Development Finance | Argentum finance

Development Finance

We can arrange funding for construction and development projects of all sizes.

For property development and construction projects, development finance is usually the preferred funding method because of its flexibility options.

A development loan can help with funding the purchase of the land or existing property to be developed and then provide finance to help fund the construction work.

The amount of capital that can be raised is based on the value of the security.

Benefits of Development Finance:

  • High LTV’s - loans up to 80% of costs, including the purchase price and development costs.
  • Interest Rates & Fees priced on a deal by deal basis.
  • Interest can be rolled up to project completion – reducing monthly/quarterly costs for you
  • Funding terms up to 24 months.



Funded £80,000.00 of Arcade Machines ready for the 2015 season in Skegness.